LPU - An Intro to John R. Schrader's Label Printing Utility

Jim Jackson <jj@franjam.org.uk>

This document can be found at http://www.franjam.org.uk/linux/lpu.html

This Introduction assumes using LPU version 0.9-26

The Software

What it is......

LPU (the Label Printing Utility) is a tool for creating labels and any kind of forms, from a textual description.

It uses a line oriented command language to describe the desired objects. Some of the features of the language are: variables, expressions, assignments, procedures, control elements for repeated or conditional execution of statements, import of data from a textual database, and even a small debugger.

To achieve a maximum of flexibility, LPU uses Adobe PostScript(TM) as output format.

The author is John R. Schrader <jrs@jrssoft.de>

The Source is at http://www.jrssoft.de/john/lpu/

It is best to have ghostscript installed. LPU needs ghostscript style font definitions available, and most of us use gs for viewing and printing postscript anyway.


The usual - untar, cd into directory, make (you may need to change the BINDIR setting in the Makefile), then make install as root.

~> tar xfz lpu-0.9-26.tar.gz

~> cd lpu-0.9-26

~/lpu-0.9-26> cd src

~/lpu-0.9-26/src> grep BINDIR Makefile
BINDIR  = /usr/local/bin
#BINDIR  = $(HOME)/bin
cp lpu lpu.sh $(BINDIR)
rm -r $(BINDIR)/lpu

~/lpu-0.9-26/src> make
cc -c devapi.c
cc -c afmsup.c
cc -c tdbfuncs.c
cc -c expr.c
cc -c utils.c
cc -o lpu lpu.c devapi.o afmsup.o tdbfuncs.o expr.o utils.o

~/lpu-0.9-26/src> su

~/lpu-0.9-26/src# make install
cp lpu lpu.sh /usr/local/bin

~/lpu-0.9-26/src# exit


What else comes with the program

Setting up.....

Create a working directory and copy all the files from lpu-0.9-26/demo into it. e.g.

~> mkdir labels

~> cd labels

~/labels> cp /usr/src/lpu-0.9-26/demo/* .

Now edit the file lpu.dev and make sure it contains the correct path to the font directory. The default is......

%AfmPath /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts

Getting started......

Have a look at the examples provided. LPU scripts are in files with the .lpu suffix. It is a fairly simple script structure and the documentation explains things fairly completely.

Let's look at the file example.lpu to get a feel for the scripting. The start of it looks like......

##  example.lpu -- a simple example of some lpu features
##      jrs     07.06.1998

.requires 0.9-21

; select a paper format
.form   DinA4

; begin the first label (the first page in this case)

; define a border of 1/4 inch on all four sides
.border 0.25i, 0.25i, 0.25i, 0.25i

; select a style, in this case Courier, 18 points, bold italic
.style Cour 18 BI

; output an empty line

Lines starting with "##" or ";" are comments, and lines starting with "." are commands.

.form specifies the name of a layout for a page that is defined in the lpu.tab file. DinA4 is the name given in the demo lpu.tab file for a standard form of portrait A4 paper.

.style specifies the font, its size and any attributes B for bold and I for italic .

To generate the postscript for example.lpu use this command...

~/labels> lpu example.lpu > example.ps


~/labels> lpu -o example.ps example.lpu

Then view the output with a postscript viewer..

~/labels> gv example.ps

Now edit example.lpu and change some of it or add extra lines. Regenerate the output and re-view it.

Label Definitions....

Page sizes and names are defined in the lpu.dev file....

%Page   A0P      84.1c 118.9c  0    0    0    0
%Page   A1P      59.4c  84.1c  0    0    0    0
%Page   A2P      42.0c  59.4c  0    0    0    0
%Page   A3P      29.7c  42.0c  0    0    0    0 
%Page   A4P      21.0c  29.7c  0    0    0    0
%Page   A4L      29.7c  21.0c  0    0    0    0     .rotate=90 .shift=21.0c,0
%Page   A5P      14.8c  21.0c  0    0    0    0
%Page   A5L      21.0c  14.85c 0    0    0    0     .shift=0,14.5c
%Page   A6P      10.5c  14.8c  0    0    0    0
%Page   A7P       7.4c  10.5c  0    0    0    0
%Page   A8P       5.2c   7.4c  0    0    0    0
%Page   A9P       3.7c   5.2c  0    0    0    0
%Page   Letter    8.5i  11.0i  0    0    0    0
%Page   USEnv10  24.1c  10.5c  0    0    0    0     .shift=0,19.2c

You can add other names and definitions of other sizes of paper here is you wish, but the default set is fairly comprehensive.

Labels are defined in lpu.tab. There are several label formats pre-defined, have a look in the file. Here are a couple of definitions I created...

; compslip  3 complement slips per A4P page
form    compslip     A4P
    label   Comp        190m    87m
        base            5.0m    8.0m
        yrep            3       10m

This defines 3 "labels", useful for generating a handy sized complement slip. compslip is the name of the form, it contains one label format called Comp , the size of which is 190mm x 87mm, repeated 3 times down the page (in the Y direction) with a gap 10mm. The base gives the x and y offset for the start of the first "label".

Here's another.......

; Labels 2 x 7 on A4
form    L2x7          A4P
    label   l1          90m     36m
        base            10m     20m
        xrep            2       10.1m
        yrep            7       2.1m

This is for using a common address label format, 14 to the sheet, arranged 2 x 7.

Generating Labels from DataBase output

LPU scripts can read data from standard CSV (coma seperated variable) style text files. Here is an example showing how to generate address labels

;   format of labs.tdb is
;   surname, forename, address1, add2, add3, postcode, phone, email

.form   L2x7

.db open 1 /; labs
.use 1 OneLabel
.db close

:: OneLabel
.style Times 12 B
.ltext :\@2 \@1
.style Times 12
.ltext :\@3
.if "\@4" = "" goto l5
.ltext :\@4
.if "\@5" = "" goto l6
.ltext :\@5
.style Times 12 B
.ltext :\@6
.db next

The file labs.tdb contains lines of the form.....

Jackson;Jim;666 Any Road;East Ardsley;Wakefield;WF3 SOB;01924 123456;jj@franjam.org.uk

The phone and email fields are not used.

Makefile Recipe.....

You can use make to ease the creation of the postscript files. This generic recipe allows the postscript file.ps to be generated by make from file.lpu

%.ps:   %.lpu %.tdb
        lpu $< > $@

allows you type make labs.ps to generate the postscript for the labs.lpu script, as long as labs.lpu or labs.tdb is newer than labs.ps .

Other Capabilities

Other uses........

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